Our studio class was to be the last studio class before the opera house was to close for 2  years for renovations. There was talk that the Zürich opera house was going to take advantage of this "pause" and eliminate the opera studio all together. Needless to say, it didn't happen. I always depicted Marc Belfort as a kind of Charlie Brown, and in the end I managed to draw a decent Thomas Blum. I had my differences with Belfort, but both of these men treated me with the utmost kindness and offered me every advantage , if not more, than most of my other studio colleagues received. They are no longer with us, but for many, very many past IOS ( International opera studio ) members, who went on to become famous .. or not ... Marc Belfort and Thomas Blum will always represent the International opera studio of Zürich. It can somehow never really be the same.



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