This is one production where one has to have some insight into the makings of it, if one is going to get any of the cartoon gags at all. This production was for me, speaking as a cartoonist, a dream come true. There was so much potential for material due to the circumstances and cast! 

The most important factor was where we rehearsed for the first 4-5 weeks. Like most opera houses the Leipzig opera has a rehearsal space problem. This problem was solved, shortly after the wall came down, by allowing the opera house to use a concert hall that was located AT THE LEIPZIG ZOO!  We rehearsed to the sound of wild animals roaring... ( Or was that the cast? ) It was very convenient, especially for those of us who had children, for we could simply stroll out of the back door of the concert house into the zoo.  ( Not unlike the Metropolitan Opera really .. only safer )

The director was Nicalous Brieger. One has to now imagine that our set on stage contained an actual pool of water about 6 X 6 meters big, and 2 meters deep in the center!

( Click here for example of set )

Our Katja .. Clarry Bartha, had to actually dive underwater and swim underwater to the side of the stage to give her drowning scene a real live touch! 

The tenor Sangho Choi had his share of problems during the production as well. At times getting hurt pretty badly for one reason or the other. All in all, it was one of the best Katja Kabanowa I have ever experienced or been in. The cartoons almost do it justice.

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